Saturday 30 July 2011

The Power of Invitation

A great example today of the power of invitation.

I was reminded of it whilst looking at the Open IDEO's latest design challenge - The question was how might we seed conversations or change mindsets in ways that any of us could do?

My friend Dorothy was at our local Community Garden doing a litter pick this morning. The local teenage boys playing football in the garden accepted her invitation to help. As they cleared the litter they got into conversations about their different faiths (Islam and Christianity) and what that had to do with litter. Most people locally would have hesitated to speak to these guys at all.

Whenever I ask people about how they came to be involved in some activity, they invariably reply 'Oh so and so asked me.' The cynics say that people are apathetic and won't get involved.

It may just be that they are people who haven't been invited yet!

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